Lap Dancing!
- Make Things Intimate And Give Free Or Paid Lap Dances!
The file is uploaded to this post, at the bottom left corner
Compatibility : “Requires base game only”
UPDATE: 2/21/2019– PC – Mac
It should work with previous patches down to:
Update: 05/24/2018 – PC
How to Install ? :– Extract the zip file to Your “The Sims 4” Mods folder OR Extract the zip file anywhere You want then put the files in Your mods folder -You can only put the files 1 folder deep inside the mods folder if you create a folder within a folder in your mods folder the mod will not work.
- If You have installed everything 100% correct and it still doesn’t work You might have an outdated version of the Recource.Cfg in Your mods folder You can download it
- Make sure that custom content & script mods are enabled in the game’s options, a game restart might be required after enabling them