Much like the Spellcaster bloodlines in-game as well as my Vampire and Mermaid Bloodline mods, these traits will provide your Aliens with some boosts the further along the family line they are, so a newly spawned Alien won’t compare to an Alien whose great-grandparents were also Aliens!
These Alien Bloodline traits follow the same inheritance rules as the original Spellcaster traits, starting at the first-gen Alien, then following the trend of Weak -> Strong -> Ancient.
There are two versions, but first, let’s go over the perks.
The Sims 4 Alien Bloodlines
Several existential crises later, I ended up finally finishing the next installment of “giving Bloodlines to other Occults because only Spellcasters got those”. Presenting the long-awaited Alien Bloodlines! Which had been awaited since like, two weeks ago, tops.
Update log:
Credit : baniduhaine