The Sims 4 Public Service Announcement posters
In my opinion, Public Service Announcement posters are a really cool part of history. They first appeared in the late 1900’s in Europe, and you can still see some around today, albeit not quite like these. I feel like my sims would absolutely have framed vintage PSA posters as art in their homes. You could also use these as actual PSA’s if you’re playing a historical save, as I made a poster version as well. I had so much fun making these so expect at least a few more sets in this series! This is my first ever piece of ts4 cc, so if you find anything wrong please just let me know. It has been playtested so fingers crossed I did everything right!
- 8 swatches, various colors
- Available in painting and poster varieties
- paintings NEED mesh, included due to the generous TOU of I highly recommend you check out their original post for their simlish horror paintings (In the folder, the mesh you’ll need is named ‘PixelFolk_SimlishHorrorPaintings’)
- Poster requires get together
- unedited in game previews
Credit : gothoffspring