So I had an epiphany in the middle of one project and thought, why do my Sims brush their teeth? There’s no consequences, no gameplay, no dread of the dentist office, no judgment for those cavities! So I casually… or not so casually… slipped this new idea in the middle of another project with the wonderful Sandy who didn’t bat at an eye and here we present to you: Dental Care! Now your sim can get cavities, have bad breath, need and receive braces, toddlers can teeth and teens can have wisdom teeth extracted, and everyone can enjoy a trip to the dentist (hah)!
Dental Care Mod by adeepindigo and AroundtheSims
Dental Insurance
Your sim and their family are automatically opted into Dental Insurance if at least one YA-Elder sim in the home has a job. If someone loses their job, the family looses their insurance. Insurance can be regained upon employment. Insurance allows for a 40% discount on dental visits.
Teeth Health
Sims teeth health is now monitored and decays over time without dental care interventions. Sims will receive notifications when it’s time to attend to their dental needs. Dental care behaviors like regular brushing teeth, using mouthwash, going to the dentist appointments, even popping a mint will help improve teeth health. If Sims don’t attend to their teeth health they can get any number of dental issues including cavities, sensitivity, frequent toothaches and require root canals to name a few. If your sim hasn’t brushed in over 24 hours their breath will smell bad but a quick mint can help offset the effects but it won’t go away until their teeth are brushed. Sims around your sim will feel uncomfortable being around a sim with bad breath.
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