Scholarships Give Credits Earned scholarships lower the credit requirement for finishing University. Skilled Sims can finish a degree in a week. I like my sims to have degrees, but I don’t want to spend 3 weeks (at least) in university every time, not to mention the extra time for a second degree. If a sim is skilled enough or high enough in their career their credit requirement should be lowered. This mod: – lowers the credit requirement for degrees from 12 to 8 credits. This way, with no scholarships or bonuses, a sim can finish University in two weeks (full course load). – makes it so Skill & Career scholarships give credits towards finishing University. With enough scholarships a sim can lower the requirement to 1 credit per semester and get a degree in a week. – if no scholarships exist, already earned degrees also give credits. – residence and financial help scholarships do not count towards credit entitlements.
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Credit : Enkidu