I had this one in my WIP folder for a year or so lol. I know this was supossed to be 7k polys but I wasn’t a fan of how it looked, it’s almost 15k now but I like this version way more. Hope you like it as well ♥
All Ages | Female only | 14,9k polys (lowered from 27,6k) | Animated | Io’s Edit of Pooklet v3 Textures | 30 recolors (color palette here) | Compressorized | See angles here or under the cut | Original mesh by Anto
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(credits: Anto, Pooklet, Io, Digital Angels, TheRaven, AlmightyHat, Lilith)
- May clip with some clothes
- Download mesh + base volatile texture for the ones who want to recolo
The Sims 4 4t2 anto jenna
Credit : redsimmer-blog